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Difficult to Determine, Here Are Some Factors to Cause Baby Sungsang

The condition of a breech baby is usually only confirmed at week 35 or 36 of pregnancy, through physical examination confirmed by ultrasonography or ultrasound. Although in many cases, the cause of a breech baby cannot be ascertained, there are a number of factors during pregnancy that are known to cause the condition. Generally approaching childbirth, the baby is in a position ready for birth ie, the baby's head is below or near the birth canal. However, in the breech position, the baby's head in the womb is on top with the location of the feet leading to the birth canal. Actually, breech babies can be born normally, but this condition increases the risk of disruption to the health of the baby during childbirth, such as disability to loss of life.

A Number of Factors Causing Baby Sungsang

In most cases, the position of a breech baby is often difficult to determine the exact cause. However, there are a number of factors that are known to cause breech babies, including:
  • Condition of the uterus with too little or too much amniotic fluid. This condition causes the fetus to lack space to move or not enough fluids to position the baby properly.
  • Deformities of the uterus or other complications, such as tumors that grow in the uterus or fibroids.
  • There is placenta previa, which is a condition of the placenta that covers part or all of the cervix.
  • In the pregnancy of twins or more.
  • Not the first pregnancy.
  • Premature birth.

Sungsang Baby Position

Breech position is divided into three types, namely breech presentation (Frank breech), breech-leg presentation (complete breech), and foot presentation (footling breech).
  • Frank Breech

  • The baby's buttocks position approaches the birth canal. The condition of the baby's legs parallel to the body and legs are located near the head.
  • Complete breech

  • The baby's buttocks position is facing down with the legs bent and both legs are located near the buttocks.
  • Footing breech

  • One of the baby's legs is located under the buttocks. During labor, these feet come out before the baby's whole body.
One method to improve the position of breech babies is through an external cephalic version (ECV) performed by midwives or trained doctors, by trying to rotate the baby's position in the womb through massage or pressure on the abdomen's surface. This method cannot be performed on women who are pregnant with twins or placental disorders. If this method does not work, labor will be performed by cesarean section. Caesarean birth is the safest step if the fetus is still in the breech position and is nearing the time of birth, especially if there are other complications such as umbilical cord twisting and placental abnormalities. Pregnant women are advised to consult a gynecologist regularly as directed, so they can monitor the condition and position of the baby in the womb. The doctor will determine the delivery plan for breech babies that is adapted to the condition of the mother and baby, so that your little one is born healthy and avoid the various risks of childbirth.


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