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Know the Types and Ways to Eliminate Birthmarks

For some health reasons, someone who has a birthmark might do a way to get rid of birthmarks. It is intended that the birthmarks that appear can fade or disappear. Some people have birthmarks of different colors, shapes and sizes from birth. Until now, the cause of the birthmark can not be ascertained. However, birthmarks on certain parts of the body are often considered to interfere with the appearance so it feels need to be removed.

Types of Birthmarks

Birthmarks are divided into two types, pigmentary birthmarks and vascular birthmarks. Pigment birthmarks appear due to an excess of pigment, whereas other vascular signs appear because there are abnormal blood vessels under the skin.
  • Pigment birthmark

  • Pigment birthmarks are divided into 3 types namely moles, café au lait spots or milk coffee stains, and Mongolian spots. Birthmarks in the form of moles are generally small, round in shape and brown in color. This type of birthmark is usually not dangerous, but you should be aware if it feels itchy, bleeding, or looks different from other moles. On birthmarks in the form of light brown or black stains, generally oval shaped with small or large sizes. This type of birthmark may fade with age. Then, Mongolian specks are usually blue-gray and appear on the back and buttocks. This birthmark can make skin color darker, sometimes it looks like a bruise on the body. Mongol spots can fade on their own, but can also last a lifetime.
  • Vascular birthmarks

  • The most common vascular birthmarks are macular spots, hemangiomas, and port-wine stain (nevus flammeus). Macular patches on birthmarks, marked by the appearance of reddish spots on the skin. Generally this birthmark is found on the forehead, eyelids, back of the neck, upper lip and nose. Hemangioma birthmarks appear after the baby is born. In the first year hemangiomas can grow bigger, then maybe it can shrink again. This birthmark is characterized by the appearance of patches like strawberries on the surface of the skin, although some are growing under the skin and are purple so they appear swollen and bulging. Generally hemangiomas are not dangerous and can disappear slowly at the age of 5 to 10 years, but the possibility of leaving scars. While the birthmark port-wine stain or nevus flammeus is characterized by the appearance of spots such as the color of wine that is pink to purplish red. Generally these birthmarks are found on the face, but can also be found on other body parts, and tend to settle into adulthood.

Actions to remove birthmarks

Most birthmarks are harmless and will disappear on their own as you age. However, there are some exceptions where birthmarks require more medical attention. In hemangiomas that are large and located in certain parts of the body may be able to affect body functions, for example to eat, see, or breathe, so that requires medical treatment. Likewise in moles that are very large or appear to be getting bigger in a relatively short period of time, which might develop into cancer. In port-wine stain birthmarks around the eyes, which are often associated with vision problems such as glaucoma, also requires medical treatment. In addition, several other conditions that can affect health and are seen to interfere with appearance are also the reasons for special treatment to remove birthmarks. As for how to remove birthmarks that can be done include:
  • Laser surgery

  • Birthmarks that appear on the face such as port-wine stain and hemangiomas can be treated with fading laser therapy. Laser therapy is also able to fade the color spots, reduce or stop the growth of birthmarks.
  • Corticosteroids

  • In hemangiomas that develop quickly and affect vision or other vital organs, it can also be treated with oral corticosteroids so that the size of the hemangioma can be smaller.
  • Propanolol

  • Propanolol is a drug to treat heart problems. With an adjusted dose, this drug is believed to be effective in treating hemangioma birthmarks. Drugs that fall into the group of beta-blocking drugs are able to stop the growth of cells on birthmarks, even fade the birthmarks.
Consult with your doctor to ascertain the type of birthmark, also the dangers and how to handle it appropriately. For parents, it is necessary to build children's confidence related to the birthmark they have, so that children do not feel inferior. As long as it's not dangerous or interfere with appearance, birthmarks may not need to be removed.


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