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This List of Smoothing Foods and Enhancing Breast Milk Quality You Need to Know

Breast milk is the best food for your baby, and breastfeeding is the healthiest way to feed your child. However, some women have problems when breastfeeding, such as breast milk that is only a little or not come out at all. If you experience something like that, there's no need to panic. Because there are some breast milk foods that you can consume, including salmon, low-fat dairy products (cheese, yogurt, or milk), wheat, fruits, vegetables, and others. Breast milk is very important for your baby, because breast milk is a complete food. Breast milk contains at least 400 nutrients, hormones, and compounds to fight diseases that are not in formula milk. The nutrients contained in breast milk are even able to adjust the baby's needs as he grows. Breastfeeding regularly and correctly can stimulate milk production by itself. The body naturally produces breast milk when there is stimulation of the baby when suckling. Balanced nutritional intake and drinking enough water is actually enough to support good milk production. But other factors such as stress, having certain diseases, drug use and nutritional deficiencies can also affect milk production. In addition, you also need to meet fluid intake and good nutrition while breastfeeding to produce high-quality breast milk. A good breast milk requires adequate nutrition and fluids from nursing mothers, so it is important for you to maintain a balanced nutritional diet and adequate fluids to maintain the quality of breast milk. During lactation, you are advised to postpone the diet program because by reducing portions and certain types of food, the milk produced can be reduced in both quantity and quality.

Breastfeeding Smoothing Foods for Child Flower Growth

Women often feel worried about their milk supply. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers are advised to consume several foods that facilitate breast milk, including:
  • Wheat bread

  • Wheat bread is rich in folic acid, which is very important for the development of your baby in the early stages of pregnancy. However, its important function does not end when you are pregnant, because folic acid is an important nutrient in breast milk that is needed for the health of your child and nursing mother. Foods containing wheat are also thought to increase milk production in mothers who are breastfeeding. Although accurate data have not yet been obtained regarding the effect of wheat on milk production, it is suspected that high iron content in wheat can be a food facilitating breast milk. If you don't have gluten allergy or intolerance, you can include whole wheat bread in your daily menu.
  • Spinach

  • Spinach is a vegetable that contains iron. A study shows that low iron levels have a relationship with milk production. If you feel your milk production is low, you are advised to be diligent in consuming these vegetables. In addition to spinach, foods that are also a source of iron are red meat (especially liver), beans, beans, and other green leafy vegetables.
  • Relatives (fenugreek)

  • This food is believed to facilitate breastfeeding in nursing mothers because it contains substances that can stimulate the glands and milk ducts to produce more milk. But according to research, the effectiveness of relatives in smoothing ASI is still doubtful. Further research is needed to monitor the effects of breastfeeding from this food source.

Quality Enhancer Foods for breast milk for Children

Foods consumed while breastfeeding can affect the quality of breast milk for your child. To add quality, you can try some of the following foods:
  • Salmon

  • Salmon contains DHA which is very important for the development of the baby's nervous system. All ASI contains DHA, but DHA levels in ASI from mothers who get food intake with DHA content will be much higher than mothers who do not consume foods that contain DHA. In addition, DHA in salmon can also help improve mood. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends limiting the amount of salmon consumed for breastfeeding women, pregnant women, and women planning a pregnancy, no more than 12 ounces or equal to 2 servings per week. This is to limit the amount of mercury that your child will absorb.
  • Low-fat dairy products

  • Milk provides nutrients that can strengthen bones. Besides providing protein and B vitamins, milk and dairy products are one of the best sources of calcium. Breast milk contains calcium which is good for helping the growth of little bones. Therefore, when breastfeeding, it is important to eat foods or drinks that contain calcium to meet the needs of you and your child. Try to consume at least 3 cups of milk (700 mL) every day.
  • Orange fruit

  • Oranges contain lots of vitamin C and can also increase energy. Oranges and other citrus fruits are good foods you consume while breastfeeding, because nursing mothers need more vitamin C than pregnant women.
  • Egg

  • In addition to salmon, eggs also contain DHA which is good for you and your little one, in addition to being able to meet your daily protein needs. You can put eggs in the breakfast menu, lunch, and dinner.
It is important for breastfeeding mothers to know and consume the breastfeeding foods described above. In addition to breastfeeding food, while breastfeeding, the body also needs lots of fluids. Therefore, you should consume lots of water to relieve thirst. Monitor the color of urine when urinating. If the color of urine is clear and you urinate regularly, that means your body fluids are still sufficient. The color of urine is yellow and concentrated or feeling thirsty often means you are lacking fluids. However, limit the consumption of drinks that contain caffeine, because caffeine is not good for your child. If you have tried to consume food that facilitates breast milk but the milk is still low or does not come out at all, it is better to immediately consult a doctor or lactation expert to get the right treatment.


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